Sunday, September 28, 2008


Attach Detach
Merge Scatter
Together Separate
Love Hate

I remember my initial school lesssons,
Where we learnt antonyms of words -
Girl x Boy; Man x Woman
Good x Bad; Love x Hate

How simple these were -
Very easily taught.
Something that is not hot - Cold.
Someone who is not a Friend - Enemy.

How wrong all this is,
How superficial are these words.
For there exists no real love,
For there is no one we really hate!

I could love someone, still hate something in him,
I could like something hot, yet not that hot!
My classes never taught me what to call that -
I dont want the antonym, but Something-in-Between!

I hate a person for all the wrong that he did,
I still just love him for reasons very candid!
I just want to separate, just leave him.
I still want to hang on, live with him.

I am not confused, if you think I am :-)
I am just sharing with you a possible fact -
Every emotion cannot be defined - this or that.
There is always something that cannot be expressed -


momo said...

Dear Priya,
Thanks for sharing. I also agree that everything in life is just not Black and White and that makes all the difference1 keep writing and do keep sharing :)

Tim Bombadol said...

Brilliant!!! I am proud of you!
Very neatly put.

Priya said...

Momo: :-) Sure Moitri, i will keep you informed.

Tim Bombadol: Thank you so much, Anna.

Anonymous said...

Acceptance of something-in-between is very less in the society. It doesn’t mean they are not there, but less appreciated or recognized. Hope your blog make people think on those.... keep writing & good work!!!!!!!!

Priya said...

Anonymous: Thank you very much. :-)
I am sure you have a better name .. Would you share it with us? :-)

Phoneix said...

Pretty true that words cant define everything....