Sunday, September 28, 2008


Attach Detach
Merge Scatter
Together Separate
Love Hate

I remember my initial school lesssons,
Where we learnt antonyms of words -
Girl x Boy; Man x Woman
Good x Bad; Love x Hate

How simple these were -
Very easily taught.
Something that is not hot - Cold.
Someone who is not a Friend - Enemy.

How wrong all this is,
How superficial are these words.
For there exists no real love,
For there is no one we really hate!

I could love someone, still hate something in him,
I could like something hot, yet not that hot!
My classes never taught me what to call that -
I dont want the antonym, but Something-in-Between!

I hate a person for all the wrong that he did,
I still just love him for reasons very candid!
I just want to separate, just leave him.
I still want to hang on, live with him.

I am not confused, if you think I am :-)
I am just sharing with you a possible fact -
Every emotion cannot be defined - this or that.
There is always something that cannot be expressed -

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

O Cold, my Nose ..

This is a very silly poem .. very silly indeed!
But this is all I can do when I have him ruling my world ..

Running down the slope ..
Circling up the hole ..
How sudden is your visit!
Your stay is enjoyed least :-(

Like a student dreads a teacher..
Like a thief fears a cop..
As Jerry runs from Tom..
A motorist from the Red Stop..

You are most hated!
Yet you come and go.
Shameless and stubborn -
You run up and down my little nose.

The world looks so sick,
On everyone around I pick.
You enter on the moment's nick,
I wish i could shoo you with a kick!

You stay for as long as you wish,
You mess my nose, for tissues I fish.
My eyes shrink, my face bloats,
The whole day my nose I blow.

Napkins after napkins...
Fill the dust bins.
You still stay for long,
For your exit, I long!

You appear every quarter,
Your performance getting better!
You make me wonder where you sit,
My nose has space just for air to fit!

They call you "the cold",
The evil that strikes, young and old.
I decide to stand bold,
Dear Cold, you will soon get sold :-)