New year resolutions have been a thing of fame,
During the days when I knew much lesser of life,
Whatever, a resolution there was always one,
Kept or unkept, one surely made!
Years passed and each year came a birthday,
A day that made me older; finally came this year;
The year that makes me wiser!
The days gone are gone; never to come back,
The days to come may or may not come; knowledge I lack.
But today is here, with me in front of me,
Today I see, today is all that will mean.
The year gone, the people gone; I still remain;
For the future I know not, the past I want to speak not;
This moment is all I want to relish, for today is all that will mean.
I am older; wiser too may be;
But I still want to make this resolution,
An oath on my past, a promise to my future –
To live my life with all happiness, each moment!
Not from people, not from days
But from within, from the real me
Me and today, for this is all that will mean; and remain!